MRT logoMaterial React Table

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    v1.5.4 (2022-12-30)

    • Fix filter text field value not updating from external state change and fix filter clear icon button being disabled when value is not a string

    v1.5.3 (2022-12-29)

    • Fix empty and not empty filter chip clearing defaulting back to only available filter modes

    v1.5.2 (2022-12-24)

    • Added new showToolbarDropZone state option to allow manual control of when the toolbar drop zone is visible

    v1.5.1 (2022-12-23)

    • Fixed sticky footer z-index issue when using column pinning

    • Added zh-Hans and zh-Hant translations that can be imported from 'material-react-table/locales/zh-Hans' and 'material-react-table/locales/zh-Hant' respectively

    v1.5.0 (2022-12-20)

    • New column virtualization feature that can be enabled with the enableColumnVirtualization prop and customized with the columnVirtualizationProps and columnVirtualizerInstanceRef props

    • Deprecated (renamed) virtualizerInstanceRef prop in favor of rowVirtualizerInstanceRef

    • Deprecated (renamed) virtualizationProps prop in favor of rowVirtualizationProps

    • Fixed crashes with empty nested data and initial filter, sorting, grouping, and pagination states

    v1.4.3 (2022-12-15)

    • Fix MUI debounce import when @mui/material v5.11.0 is installed

    • Fix select placeholder when muiTableBodyCellEditTextFieldProps.placeholder is set

    v1.4.2 (2022-12-11)

    • Fix custom muiTableBodyProps.children not being rendered

    • Give TableBody a default minHeight of 100px when no rows are present

    v1.4.1 (2022-12-11)

    • Fixed row virtualization with detail panels to make it usable

    • Added classNames to Detail Panel Rows and Cells to make them easier to target with CSS

    • Lowered default row virtualization overscan default count from 10 to 4

    • Added imports for MRT_ToolbarAlertBanner and MRT_ToolbarDropZone components for custom toolbars

    v1.4.0 (2022-12-08)

    • Upgrade to TanStack Virtual v3 for better virtualization performance and bug fixes - (small breaking changes if using advanced virtualized customization features)

    • New layoutMode prop to allow for either "semantic" or "grid" (flex) CSS layouts for table components

    • New onEditingRowCancel prop

    • New "Collapse" tooltip for all locales on expand buttons when expanded

    • Clicking filter icon in header now focuses filter textfield

    • Added nl translations that can be imported from 'material-react-table/locales/nl'

    • Updated ru translations that can be imported from 'material-react-table/locales/ru'

    v1.3.15 (2022-11-24)

    • Fixed some column hiding menu edge cases

    v1.3.14 (2022-11-24)

    • Added ro translations that can be imported from 'material-react-table/locales/ro'

    v1.3.13 (2022-11-23)

    • Upgraded to latest TanStack Match Sorter Utils 8.7.0 for webpack compatibility fixes and better esm support

    v1.3.12 (2022-11-23)

    • Upgraded to latest TanStack Table 8.7.0 for webpack compatibility fixes and better esm support

    v1.3.11 (2022-11-23)

    • Added vi translations that can be imported from 'material-react-table/locales/vi'

    • Upgraded to latest TanStack Table 8.6.0 for new maxLeafRowFilterDepth prop

    v1.3.10 (2022-11-19)

    • Added fr translations that can be imported from 'material-react-table/locales/fr'

    • Upgraded to latest TanStack Table 8.5.30 for better TypeScript performance

    v1.3.9 (2022-11-14)

    • Upgraded to latest TanStack Table 8.5.27 for better sorting in grouped rows

    v1.3.8 (2022-11-13)

    • Fix filter textfield calling clear method on mount which sometimes caused additional data fetches

    v1.3.7 (2022-11-12)

    • Upgraded to latest TanStack Table 8.5.24 to fix filterFromLeafRows bug

    v1.3.6 (2022-11-10)

    • Fix getRowId prop type

    v1.3.5 (2022-11-10)

    • Added tr translations that can be imported from 'material-react-table/locales/tr'

    v1.3.4 (2022-11-07)

    • Emergency fix remove fa as default translations

    v1.3.3 (2022-11-06)

    • Added fa translations that can be imported from 'material-react-table/locales/fa'

    v1.3.2 (2022-10-30)

    • Upgraded to latest TanStack Table v8.5.22 for massive grouping performance improvements

    v1.3.1 (2022-10-29)

    • small optional chaining fix for custom textfileds

    • it locale fix

    • Upgraded to latest TanStack Table v8.5.21

    v1.3.0 (2022-10-28)

    • Added Multi-Aggregation Per Column Feature

    • renamed onFilterFnsChange to onColumnFilterFnsChange (breaking change)

    • fixed grouped rows should not show edit textfields when in "table" editing mode

    • Upgraded to latest TanStack Table v8.5.18

    v1.2.10 (2022-10-17)

    • Added it translations that can be imported from 'material-react-table/locales/it'

    v1.2.9 (2022-10-11)

    • Allow Sort Icon (ArrowDownward) to be replaced with custom icon

    v1.2.8 (2022-10-11)

    • Fix some minor spacing issues in Table Head Cell icon buttons

    v1.2.7 (2022-10-05)

    • Fix select and expand column headers sometimes not showing correctly

    v1.2.6 (2022-10-03)

    • Un-memoized localization prop internally to allow for dynamic localization updates

    • Made Columns Actions Button slightly smaller

    v1.2.5 (2022-09-30)

    • Fixed: globalFilterFn prop had wrong type

    v1.2.4 (2022-09-30)

    • Fixed: All Mui imports use default exports to reduce number of modules in dev mode

    v1.2.3 (2022-09-30)

    • Fixed: Icon imports use default exports to reduce number of modules in dev mode

    v1.2.2 (2022-09-29)

    • Disable more display columns and detail panel stuff while isLoading is true

    • Fix overflow issues with expand all button and select all checkbox

    v1.2.1 (2022-09-29)

    • Disable detail panel render while isLoading is true

    v1.2.0 (2022-09-27)

    • New Header default ellipsis behavior when column width is smaller than header string

    • Column Actions and Column Grab Handles now left-align by default

    • Column Alignment Improvements when align is 'center' or 'right'

    v1.1.1 (2022-09-23)

    • footer z-index fix during fullscreen mode

    • bigger resize handle accessibility

    v1.1.0 (2022-09-20)

    • New memoMode prop to enable memoizing cells, rows, or the entire table body

    • Radio Buttons now show instead of checkboxes when enableMultiRowSelection=

    • Fix dragging column bottom-border sometimes showing on wrong row

    • Various Render Performance Improvements

    v1.0.11 (2022-09-17)

    • Fixed Sticky Header with pinned columns in full screen mode

    v1.0.10 (2022-09-17)

    • Added ru translations that can be imported from 'material-react-table/locales/ru'

    v1.0.9 (2022-09-17)

    • Added de translations that can be imported from 'material-react-table/locales/de'

    v1.0.8 (2022-09-16)

    • Update es translations

    v1.0.7 (2022-09-15)

    • Remove unnecessary memo that was causing issues with aggregated cells not updating

    v1.0.6 (2022-09-15)

    • Fixed Actions Column sometimes forced to be first column

    v1.0.5 (2022-09-15)

    • Fixed Mixed Header Groups levels not created with correct column order state

    v1.0.4 (2022-09-14)

    • Added cs translations that can be imported from 'material-react-table/locales/cs'

    v1.0.3 (2022-09-14)

    • Fixed sticky header z-index issue with select checkboxes and expand buttons

    • Added pl translations that can be imported from 'material-react-table/locales/pl'

    v1.0.2 (2022-09-13)

    • Added es translations that can be imported from 'material-react-table/locales/es'

    v1.0.1 (2022-09-13)

    • Initial Stable Release

    Pre 1.0 breaking changes

    • v1.0.0-beta.16 - selectAllMode default value changed to "page"

    • v1.0.0-beta.6 - onColumnDrop and onRowDrop props removed, since they can easily be hooked up manually in muiTableBodyRowCellDragHandleProps

    • v0.41.0 - Filter start icon will no longer be shown if enableColumnFilterModes is not enabled

    • v0.40.7 - enabledGlobalFilterOptions renamed to globalFilterModeOptions

    • v0.40.2 - new tableInstanceRef and virtualizerInstanceRef props

    • v0.39.0 - Renamed enableColumnFilterChangeMode to enableColumnFilterModes, renamed enableGlobalFilterChangeMode to enableGlobalFilterModes. New renderColumnFilterModeMenuItems and renderGlobalFilterModeMenuItems props.

    • v0.38.3 - New enableStickyFooter prop useful for aggregation features

    • v0.38.0 - New GroupedColumn cell render column def option, new muiToolbarAlertBannerChipProps, renamed muiTableToolbarAlertBannerProps to muiToolbarAlertBannerProps, muiTableTopToolbarProps to muiTopToolbarProps, muiTableBottomToolbarProps to muiBottomToolbarProps

    • v0.37.2 - Aggregation cell renders enabled, AggregatedCell needed to render aggregated cell.

    • v0.37.0 - Major Editing Feature Changes: "modal" is now the default editingMode. New required exitEditingMode param in onEditingRowSave to allow dev to exit editing mode only after validation passes. Fix auto-filled values not saving in editing row submit. tableId prop removed as it is now unnecessary and was being confused with an html id attribute. Major internal ref refactors to better follow React best practices and improve performance.

    • v0.36.0 - onCellEditBlur and onCellEditChange props removed because the already exist on muiTableBodyCellEditTextFieldProps. Examples given here

    • v0.35.2 - Change onEditRowSubmit name to onEditingRowSave

    • v0.35.1 - "current" prefix in some state options removed from name (i.e. currentEditingRow is now just editingRow), new editing value(s) arguments, better types for editing features

    • v0.34.0 - rolled back to react-virtual 2.0 to fix flickering issue, MRT_Internal Toolbar components are now exported from MRT instead of in params

    • v0.33.0 - onTableInstanceChange removed, onStateChange removed, currentFilterFns renamed to columnFilterFns, custom filterFns can be used again, renamed ToolbarBottom to BottomToolbar and ToolbarTop to TopToolbar

    • v0.31.0 - new DropZone component in toolbar for grouping while dragging a column that can be grouped

    • v0.29.0 - new filterVariant option on columnDef to indicate if filter is a select filter, multi-select filter, text filter, etc.

    • v0.28.0 - virtualizerProps has slightly differently named options, as MRT upgraded to @tanstack/react-virtual v3.

    • v0.27.0 - enableColumnFilterModes is now false by default, but can be turned on easily by just setting it to true.

    • v0.23.0 - TanStack Table v8.2 has new cell.getValue<>() generics

    • v0.22.1 - showFilters state renamed to showColumnFilters

    • v0.22.0 - React DnD replaced with custom solution for drag and drop. Now lib is 16kb smaller!

    • V0.19.0 - Data Column Definitions now need an accessorKey or a combination of an id and accessorFn to be used as the key for the data row.

    • V0.19.0 - instance was renamed to table across all callback functions to be inline with TanStack Table V8.1.

    • V0.18.0 - on...Changed callback props were removed as they were redundant with the on...Change callback props. Hoisting state will be the recommended way to watch for table state changes and react to them.


    V1 (2022)

    The main focus for additional releases for V1 will be adding more locales and improving the documentation.


    No work has started on V2 yet, but the main focus will be to take advantage of React 18 concurrent mode features to improve performance.